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Playmeow - unlimited styles porn games & sex games creation platform-Male to R18

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Mother's Conditioning

Mother's Conditioning

Trial available
養成 束縛道具 人妻 NTR 拘束服 調教
<Mother's Conditioning> - By chance, you rescued a beautiful woman, who turned out to be the landlord's wife Sophia, but this wife has a cowardly character that does not match her identity, and cannot refuse people's requests, how to use this to the beautiful Mrs. Sophia after learning the secret?
Autor: 魔法少女的祕密花園
Moneda de miau
11 jul 2024
Liu Shan Maker

Liu Shan Maker

Trial available
養成 歷史 古裝 奶子 純愛
After Liu Bei's passing, as Zhuge Liang, the Chancellor of Shu Han, not only do I aim to fulfill Liu Bei's wish for a peaceful empire, but I must also nurture Liu Bei's daughter, Liu Shan, entrusted to me as an orphan, to become an adept Empress of Shu Han...
Autor: Xian
Moneda de miau
23 jul 2024
Nai's Training Diary

Nai's Training Diary

Trial available
One day you adopt "Nai", a young girl who constantly suffers from domestic violence, and you will take care of her for 100 days. The girl, at first, is afraid of crowds of people and keeps vigilance over anybody.
Autor: Bananaking
Moneda de miau
26 jul 2024
Reina Encarcelada

Reina Encarcelada

Trial available
女王 強姦 緊縛 鬼畜 巨乳 長髮
La "Reina Encarcelada" es un juego que combina el encarcelamiento, el entrenamiento y el estilo medieval para la serie Queen's Glory. Décadas después de la muerte de la Reina Alisa, el poderoso Reino de Norman invadió Keter. Y encarcelaron a Shane, la Reina de Keter. ¿Cuál será el destino de Shane...
Autor: Kanoe
Moneda de miau
28 mar 2024

Hot games

Mother's Conditioning

Mother's Conditioning

Trial available
養成 束縛道具 人妻 NTR 拘束服 調教
<Mother's Conditioning> - By chance, you rescued a beautiful woman, who turned out to be the landlord's wife Sophia, but this wife has a cowardly character that does not match her identity, and cannot refuse people's requests, how to use this to the beautiful Mrs. Sophia after learning the secret?
Autor: 魔法少女的祕密花園
Moneda de miau
11 jul 2024
Reina Encarcelada

Reina Encarcelada

Trial available
女王 強姦 緊縛 鬼畜 巨乳 長髮
La "Reina Encarcelada" es un juego que combina el encarcelamiento, el entrenamiento y el estilo medieval para la serie Queen's Glory. Décadas después de la muerte de la Reina Alisa, el poderoso Reino de Norman invadió Keter. Y encarcelaron a Shane, la Reina de Keter. ¿Cuál será el destino de Shane...
Autor: Kanoe
Moneda de miau
28 mar 2024
Succubus Girl

Succubus Girl

Trial available
巨乳 奶子 束縛道具 魔物娘 魔女 魅魔
Researcher Leo was told on his first day at the institute that he needed to look after some mysterious creature—an innocent girl who fed on semen... There seemed to be more to the girl's secret than that, but no one wanted to reveal the maddening truth.
Autor: Nemesis
Moneda de miau
2 may 2024
Liu Shan Maker

Liu Shan Maker

Trial available
養成 歷史 古裝 奶子 純愛
After Liu Bei's passing, as Zhuge Liang, the Chancellor of Shu Han, not only do I aim to fulfill Liu Bei's wish for a peaceful empire, but I must also nurture Liu Bei's daughter, Liu Shan, entrusted to me as an orphan, to become an adept Empress of Shu Han...
Autor: Xian
Moneda de miau
23 jul 2024
Nai's Training Diary

Nai's Training Diary

Trial available
One day you adopt "Nai", a young girl who constantly suffers from domestic violence, and you will take care of her for 100 days. The girl, at first, is afraid of crowds of people and keeps vigilance over anybody.
Autor: Bananaking
Moneda de miau
26 jul 2024
Life with a College Girl

Life with a College Girl

Trial available
養成 純愛
I acquainted a girl called Snow on a sugar daddy site. Out of boredom, I asked to meet her, but she turned out to be a cute college girl who asked me to bring her home! What was more, the first day I brought her home, she asked to have sex with me without a condom?! What was the story behind this Snow...?
Autor: Boru
Moneda de miau
6 may 2024
Fatal Countdown - immoral List of Desires

Fatal Countdown - immoral List of Desires

Trial available
強姦 項圈 婊子 色誘 多P 奴隸
Order disappeared overnight in the sudden artillery fire. The usually safe city had now become a dangerous area. Faced with the lack of resources, were you going to sit there and wait for your doom or go to save your own companions and escape with them from the city that had been transformed into
Autor: 魔法少女的祕密花園
Moneda de miau
15 may 2024
La prisión sexual de la bruja

La prisión sexual de la bruja

Trial available
魔女 鞭子 繩子 蠟燭 項圈 束縛道具
Tú y una hermosa bruja vivís en una pequeña cabaña en el bosque, disfrutando de mucho sexo todos los días, pero si no la escuchas, probablemente recibirás un entrenamiento cruel.
Autor: Kanoe
Moneda de miau
8 feb 2024
Mi vida recién nacida en un harén

Mi vida recién nacida en un harén

Trial available
巨乳 特殊癖好 性癖 連續高潮 變態 繩子
Un día, después de que una mujer te engañó, te desesperaste y un camión te mató ... Entonces, una demonio con cuernos en la cabeza te salvó y te cambió la cara ... ¡Pero tenías una deuda de 20 millones de dólares! No tenías más remedio que ayudar a esta chica con cuernos a recolectar "amor". Pero, ¿qué era "amor"? ¡¡¡Depende de ti averiguarlo con la ayuda de muchas chicas… !!!
Autor: Secret Garden
Moneda de miau
21 mar 2024
La vida en prisión de Natsuki

La vida en prisión de Natsuki

Trial available
La pobre mujer vive con su hermano pequeño. Está encarcelada y se ve obligada a prostituirse para poder pagar los medicamentos de su hermano. Sigue luchando para liberarse de este negocio y llevar a los malos ante la justicia.
Autor: Kanoe
Moneda de miau
8 feb 2024
Devil Girl

Devil Girl

Trial available
末日 魔物娘 惡魔 妖怪 巫女 超自然
"Devil Girl" is a game that combines love building with the Cthulhu weird style. One day, you wake up and find a beautiful girl with whom you can live happily and do all kinds of H things or explore the truths of the world……..
Autor: Bananaking
Moneda de miau
9 jul 2024
Broke Girl

Broke Girl

Trial available
Owing ten million overnight, the spoiled rich girl has no choice but to get out there and find herself a job. Yet the world is cruel and moral has decayed, all men want is to seduce and insult her with money.
Autor: Bananaking
Moneda de miau
19 jun 2024


Colony City 27λ

Colony City 27λ

NTR 科幻 拘束 中出 機械姦 觸手
《Colony City 27λ》 is an adult Rougelite game that combines simple card and complax skill set. In the story, there are plenty of challenging malevolent criminals, tentacle creatures, and mechanical enemies. Your battle performance during the adventure will determine the final ending!
Autor: 吞人栗鬼
Moneda de miau
20 jun 2024
Parasitic Evil

Parasitic Evil

初體驗 恐怖 戶外 豐滿 異物 剖面圖
Amidst a catastrophe, the protagonists find themselves trapped inside a hospital that has been conducting mysterious research. While they manage to survive the initial disaster, they are soon confronted with insane mutations—and the struggle to escape the hospital which leaves both their sanity and physical forms under siege.
Autor: Bananaking
Moneda de miau
27 dic 2023
Elf Sex Farm

Elf Sex Farm

乳頭 養成 純愛 變態 胸部 奶子
Elves’ Sex Farm is a farming game that combines eroticism and business management in a fantasy world where you live a sex-filled life. Earn a fortune, collect more women, develop your home.
Autor: Bananaking
Moneda de miau
20 nov 2023
El hacker de los sueños

El hacker de los sueños

3D作品 屁股 輕鬆 皆大歡喜 奶子
Es una combinación de "typing master + match 3 + GALGAME"; pero lo más importante es que también es una tarjeta de memoria. Con la ayuda de la máquina de los sueños, puedes invadir los sueños de las chicas que duermen. Aquí puedes hacer lo que quieras, o puedes ayudarlas interpretando sus sueños y recogiendo después la "recompensa" que quieras.
Autor: Bananaking
Moneda de miau
15 ene 2024
 The Impregnation of the Elves: Conquest of the Arrogant Fairies by Impregnation

The Impregnation of the Elves: Conquest of the Arrogant Fairies by Impregnation

皆大歡喜 奶子 屁股 束縛道具 精靈 格鬥
"These arrogant Elves are capturing us Orcs as semen cows because they want to get pregnant?! Looks like I have to use the sword on my crotch to teach them a lesson, show these Elves the terror of Orcs!"
Autor: Bananaking
Moneda de miau
16 nov 2023
Mudándome con mi Hermanastra

Mudándome con mi Hermanastra

純愛 義姊 療癒 輕鬆 皆大歡喜
Un día, recibí una llamada de mis padres para informarme de que mi hermanastra se trasladaba a la misma ciudad por motivos de trabajo y que se quedaría en mi piso por el momento. Un cometa rosa brillante entró en mi monótona rutina. Y así comenzó mi emocionante vida con mi hermanastra mudándose…
Autor: Bananaking
Moneda de miau
16 nov 2023

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